My ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Longfellow Club’s Myke Farricker lost his bother to ALS about 10 years ago. He and his friends have been running a bike ride fund raiser to raise money to help fight this terrible desease. The ride starts out at the Longfellow Club in Wayland and extends for 5,10, and 20 miles. To ride you do have to make a donation. If anyone wants to take part in the ride please let me know and I will get you the information. I am DJing the event as you can see from this video (which you do not need Facebook to view:


For every like, comment, and share I will donate $1 worth of DJ to this awesome event.

Here is what is happening this weekend! 

Friday  (Pizza Party)


Lesson 7:30-8:15 

Dance 8:15-?

DNE School of Dance

78 Princeton St. Chelmsford, Ma

Sunday Night 


6-6:45 2-Step lesson

6:45-7:30pm WCS

7:30-? California Mixer

Longfellow’s Club JoEllen

524 Minuteman Dr off of Boston Post RD

(Rt 20) Wayland, MA

Leadership is the manipulation of energy. 

Following is the embodiment of energy.

Connection is the tie that binds the two together.

Mr. Jonathan

603 475 1391  

Dance on!