Letting in “The Darkness”

I don’t know about you but I for one, was scared to death to let the music “in”. Pattern after pattern I chased this crazy dream that if I could just get 30 or so “wow” moves I could move up the ranks in WCS and be the next John Festa. Have you ever watched John dance? If not either click HERE or search him out on youtube and check out some of his Jack and Jill footage from the late 90’s and early 2000’s. You will find that he is a complete slave to the beat! His patterns are barely above intermediate and yet you will also find that it is hard to take your eyes off of his dancing (unless he is dancing with Blake Hobby in which case you will be able to pry away the eye for a moment at a time). He doesn’t dance to the pattern, he doesn’t dance to his partner, and he certainly doesn’t dance to the audience…he dances to the song that is playing…the hotter it is the hotter he dances period!

This is “reverse psychology” week here at Mr. Jonathan Is My DJ dot com so instead of doing another musicality class I am going to preach one thing and teach another in hopes of tricking you into focusing on the music. This week’s pattern is the “finger spin” and it as dirty as it sounds…no not really…The leaders will learn to prep a spin (not a turn) for the follower. The follower’s will learn how to take their spinning skills from once around to twice, twice to thrice, and so on…oh and by the way, all while staying on one foot! No matter who you are, you can learn how to double your skills in this area with little to no real effort. There is a definite method to this whole thing so please don’t miss out!