This is the first ever “Rock The Clash Ball.” We have all done it. That first day of school, you get dressed up in your new favorite outfit, and get told you can’t leave the house like that…Your outfit clashes! I say let that freak flag fly on Friday, July 12th,2024 the Roma Restaurant (29 Middlesex St Haverhill, Ma) in the 2nd floor ballroom. Pair those browns and oranges, mix those neons, mashup your patterns, and don’t shy away from jet black and navy blue. I want everyone to get dressed up in THAT outfit.
The music will be a West Coast Swing Heavy California mix. The mix will be mostly crossover WCS songs that dancers can also Cha-Cha, Rumba, ECS, Night Club 2, Along with Waltz and Country Two-Step.
$20 for the night
7pm Easy swing lesson
8-10pm Dancing (and clashing)
$20 Friday June 14, 2024 7-10pm in the Roma Restaurant ballroom on the second floor at 29MiddlesexS t Haverhill, Ma
Call or text 603-475-1391 with any questions.
Disco balls got their start in the 1920’s as swing via “Big Band Jazz” came into popularity. Later in the 70’s they became synonymous with disco music. Although disco music is the precursor to modern day House music at its root it shares more with swing than not. From large bands, complex syncopations, multiple musical instruments featured and dramatically arranged, they both changed the musical landscape forever. Both were loved by the masses for 3.5 years and then they were both turned on by pop culture at the time only to find their resurgence later in the form of competition dancing.
Over the years I have amassed a collection of great disco swing music that blurs the lines between hustle and swing. What I love about these two dances is that they can share the floor with each other without either interfering with the other. The party will be our standard California mix with some extra swingy hustles thrown in for good measure. I hope you all join me as I celebrate the last great renaissance in musical creativity and dress like it’s the late 70’s all over again. If its vintage great…If its a cheap costume off of amazon that is great too…if its a recycled costume from last halloween its even better!
Want to learn how to swing dance? Check out my Thursday night swing class!
Here are the details:
6:45-7:00 Basics lesson (when there are beginners otherwise we begin at 6:45)
7:00-7:45 Intermediate Lesson
There will be a guided dance practice time that follows and I am available for dances and questions with plans to wrap the night up by 8:45 The restaurant closes at 9pm
The Blues Ball will be a show case of my favorite Blues, Soul, and Jazz music that I have amassed as a DJ these past 25-30 years. I will pepper in some other stuff but the vast majority of the music will be in those 3 genres all while the color blue is showcased on our bodies…I have outfit ideas galore!
We are in this generation’s “roaring 20’s” and no one seems to be leading the charge to bring back getting dressed up, going out for a meal, and a night of dancing in a ballroom…until now. As you know I am good friends with the owner of the Roma Restaurant awho was open to us having a swing party there and everyone had a blast!
Since this is the year my teaching career turns 21, I want to go all out and celebrate by having a black tie affair February 9th from 7-11:30pm. I would love the guys and gals that attend to really go all out and get dressed up for a swank dinner party. No one with a ticket will be turned away for being under dressed…I hope you play along but I am not forcing anyone to wear a tie. Tickets are $75 each. There will be Cash and raffle prizes for best dressed and most matched couple along with 2 levels of lessons, dinner, and a couple of surprises I am working on this and next week.
There are only 75 tickets available and 354 people on my email list…they will sell out! Tickets can be purchased at the Roma, in person, at any swing dance I am teaching/DJing at, or via the mail. Mail checks to me at:
Jonathan Barbeau
304 S. Broadway
Salem, NH 03079
Tickets can be purchased at the Roma in person, over the phone with a credit Card (978)374-8001 (The Roma’s front desk line)
The event is being held at:
The Roma Restaurant
29 Middlesex St
Haverhill, Ma 01835
Dinner 7Pm
Lesson 8Pm
Dancing 8:45-11:30
• Dinner includes:
* Salad
• Sirloin Tips
& Vegetable Medley
• Chicken Parmigian
* Rice Pilaf
* Pasta With Sauce
* Coffee/Tea
• Intermediate Lesson (Beginner Lesson Available for new comers)
• Black Tie strongly encouraged
• Cash bar
• Dancing till your feet hurt!
Do I have to dress up? No you don’t…I would like you to so you feel pretty and handsome for that night but I get that its not for everyone. Do I have to wear 20’s attire? No you don’t you can…some will…I will be dressed to the 9’s but in modern clothing. Do I have to bring a date? Nope…We have lots of singles signed up and have worked very hard to have a culture of dancers that all dance with each other. Do you take Venmo, PayPal, Cashapp, or a Credit Card? I do not personally but I spoke with the Roma and They are willing to take the cards over the phone (978)374-8001. Otherwise I take checks and cash.
The Roma is also running a special running the month of February for my students. Mention to your server that I (Mr. Jonathan) sent you and you get 20% off of the food portion of your meal (not alcoholic beverages)
Finding your connection starts with great contact with the floor. It then comes from good central movement from both partners. Once contact is made, connection happens only when both parties are in complete opposition to each other.
The video above is a great illustration of what we drilled this last Thursday. Watch how Melissa keeps turning (about 30 seconds in) as she is searching for Ben’s connection. She makes no assumptions about what he may be leading. She simply (not saying its easy) goes from point A to point B and from connection to connection. She sits in the “pocket” of Ben’s lead for what seams like an eternity yet they are never off time or out of sync.
We are starting our second Finding Your Connection class this Thursday and then continuing the concept the very next day at the Roma. These classes will not be “stacked” meaning you do not have to go to one to understand what is going on in the second. If you go to both you will just have more information and practice with the connection drills.
We are back at it at the Sweeny Post this Sunday with Master instructor Ray Huard teaching you how to take your Foxtrot from boring to bad ass
Sunday, January 14th
Sweeny Post
for our California Mix at
Sweeny Post #2
251 Maple St, Manchester, NH 03103
Lesson 6-7 Foxtrot Patterns W/Ray Huard
Dancing 7-9 (Julie Lutter DJ)
Cost: $20
January 18th is our next Thursday night Class
Here are the details for our next Thursday class:
The Thursdays Class, January 4th
6:30 lesson (WCS)
7:30ish There will be a guided dance practice time that follows and I am available for dances and questions with plans to wrap the night up by 8:30.
The cost of the night is $20
Its held at 304 S. Broadway in Salem, NH
Its Two Guys Smoke Shop across from T-Bones on Route 28
You are welcome to park anywhere in the lot including the spots out front labeled for 20 minutes. We are using the door closest to the giant sign which will be marked with a sign.
Up Coming Events:
January 19th
Roma Restaurant
29 Middlesex St.,Haverhill, MA
(Some GPS units may have this listed as Bradford, Ma)
7:30pm Lesson WCS
8:30-10:30pm WCS Dancing
Cost is $20
This is a restaurant with a full menu downstairs. My Friend Brett just bought it and has been making some serious improvements on the menu. If you like Italian style food you can certainly go a little early and have a meal making for a great date night. The thing to get on the new menu is the fresh pasta…it’s spectacular! Also if you are hungry after dancing they are open till midnight.
I reserved a special room for anyone looking to dine simple say you are with Mr. Jonathan and they will walk you to the private room.
The dance will be held on the second floor in the function room. This may be a beginner crowd and has potential to draw a younger audience so I am coming in with the plan being no plan. I must be ready to teach to what ever level of dancer shows up and if it goes well we may have a new spot to dance on the 3rd Friday of every month. The dance floor is hardwood and is spectacular!
January 28th
Sweeny Post
for our California Mix at
Sweeny Post #2
251 Maple St, Manchester, NH 03103
Lesson 6-7 Night Club 2 W/Mr. Jonathan
Dancing 7-9 (Mr. Jonathan DJ)
Cost: $20
Sunday, March 31
Authur Murray Dance Studio
10 MA-27
Natick, Ma 01760
$20 WCS Lesson (w/Mr. J) and Dance
$15 Dance only (DJ Mr. J)
Lesson 5:30pm
Dance 6:30-9:30
California mix of WCS, Ballroom, Country