The Black and White Ball 8/16/24

The Black and White Ball is already 25% sold out across all ticket outlets (The Band, The Roma, and myself). To ensure ample dancing space, I’ve capped attendance at 80 tickets, despite the venue’s capacity of 250.

There are a plethora of Swing dancing options across Boston and Southern NH. I’m delighted that many of you are eager to join my unique themed events! Studies suggest dancers enjoy longer lives, lower stress, and heightened adaptability in everyday life.

Few venues offer dancers the chance to groove to live music without monopolizing the floor or intimidating freestyle dancers. That’s why I’m hosting this party. Featuring live music by Planet Earth, this event promises to elevate everyone’s dance experience.

Check out the menu detailed in the flyer above. Following recent improvements by a new full-time chef, the food quality has significantly enhanced since our last gathering. Brett, the new venue owner, has been consistently upgrading amenities since fall, making our regular parties even more enjoyable.

Join us for an evening of live music, dinner, a dance lesson, and non-stop dancing—all for just $60!

Roma Restaurant
29 Middlesex St

Questions? Call or text Mr. J at 603-475-1391

Show off Your Partner

You always want to show off your partner when you attend an event that has dancing. The show stoppers are always the grandparents that did ballroom dancing for years and watching them makes you want to do it so bad doesn’t it?

There is no time like the present to get you and your partner on the same page when it comes to dancing. Thursday nights at the Roma Restaurant in Haverhill, Ma (29 Middlesex St) we have a beginner friendly group of dancers that want to help your journey.

Class lasts for one hour and always starts off with beginner basics. Each 15 minute block builds on the last and before you know it you have a few patterns memorized. Following the lesson we have a guided practice session for one hour. Ask for as much or as little help as you want.

After just 2 or 3 classes you will feel very comfortable and capable of showing off your partner! Classes are a drop in format, they are stand alone (you can miss one and not get behind), and the best part is you do not even need a partner. We rotate partners every few turns so we can get the best out of each turn.

Here is the biggest selling point of this program. There is no stress! No one is using class to get ready for their next competition. No one is there to blame anyone for missed leads or missed follows. Everyone is in class to become a better dancer and to be the rising tide that raises all the ships. You will come to class a stranger and you will leave a part of our family!

Roma Restaurant
29 Middlesex st
Haverhill, Ma
6:45-7:45pm Easy Swing Lesson
7:45-8:45pm Guided Practice

You can do this too!

The Importance of Taking Smaller Steps

Let’s discuss the importance of taking smaller steps in swing dancing. The baseline step size in swing dancing should be about the full length of your own foot. The connection between the leader and the follower switches between A frame and V frame inside of this small step.

When a dancer takes small steps nothing gets missed. Leaders have plenty of time to prepare their lead and followers alive at the lead with enough energy and time to preform the desired figures. If only one dancer in a partnership takes the right sized steps and the other does not the dance will limp along and most of the leads will be felt.

If the follower is taking giant steps the leader has to work harder to send good strong signals. The inverse is true as well if the follower is keeping their steps tight and the leader is the giant stepper the follower has their work cut out for them for that dance.

This is an awesome drill to help you master smaller steps in you West Coast Swing dancing. It has the 2 major footwork patterns (6&8 counts) as well as a nice reward at the end of the whip for both dancers. You can only get to the end if you keep your steps small!

Rock The Clash Ball

This is the first ever “Rock The Clash Ball.” We have all done it. That first day of school, you get dressed up in your new favorite outfit, and get told you can’t leave the house like that…Your outfit clashes! I say let that freak flag fly on Friday, July 12th,2024 the Roma Restaurant (29 Middlesex St Haverhill, Ma) in the 2nd floor ballroom. Pair those browns and oranges, mix those neons, mashup your patterns, and don’t shy away from jet black and navy blue. I want everyone to get dressed up in THAT outfit.

The music will be a West Coast Swing Heavy California mix. The mix will be mostly crossover WCS songs that dancers can also Cha-Cha, Rumba, ECS, Night Club 2, Along with Waltz and Country Two-Step.

$20 for the night
7pm Easy swing lesson
8-10pm Dancing (and clashing)